
Always wanted to learn to play an instrument?

Does your child want to start lessons?

Melodic Minors offers lessons for Piano and Guitar to all ages from complete beginners to more advanced students.  Lessons will be tailored to suit your needs whether its classical, blues or jazz, reading from chord charts, improvising or sitting exams.

In 2023, lessons are offered from weekdays from Monday to Friday from 4pm at my home studio and at Bell Primary School, during school hours on Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays.


Lessons are offered in a variety of formats catering for individuals or small groups for 30 minute or 45 minute lessons.


Jacinta Guerin has been teaching Piano and Guitar at her home studio  and Bell Primary School in Preston since 2006.  She has experience teaching Piano, Guitar and Music Theory in a variety of styles to individuals and groups. So whether you are a complete beginner or more experienced Jacinta will tailor lessons to suit what your needs.



If you would like more information please call 0423 921 412 or email melodicminors123@gmail.com